Kevään 2023 aikana kaksi lopputyötä toteutettiin Karoliinisen Instituutin ja Danderydin sairaalan kanssa

Independent Language Training for People with Chronic Aphasia using Digital Platform with Speech Functions – an Interview Study on Factors that Affect Feasibility

Anna Paulsson - Degree project in Speech and Language Pathology, Karolinska Institute

The study aimed to investigate factors affecting the feasibility of supplementary independent language training via a digital platform with speech functions for people with chronic aphasia. 

During the study, Dialog was used by four patients with chronic aphasia from the Rehabilitation Medicine University Clinic at Danderyd Hospital. The patients trained independently with Dialog 3-4 times a week over a four-week period. The training was performed either at home or at the clinic and the results were evaluated via a questionnaire and a structured interview as well as via data collected from Dialog. 

"The current study suggests that it is seemingly possible for PWA in the chronic stage to conduct independent supplementary language training via a digital platform with speech functions and that the method potentially has much to offer Swedish healthcare by promoting access to intensive language training."

The results show that for example aphasia type, concurrent speech apraxia or whether Dialog provides correct assessment of the performed task can have a significant impact on the implementation of independent language training with Dialog. For patients with milder aphasia, the study also shows the importance of an expanded exercise library with a larger range of difficulty levels, in order to keep the patient motivated to train continuously.

The results also show that the majority of the participants enjoyed self-training and using speech recognition for language training and that it seems to be possible for patients in a chronic stage to carry out independent supplementary language training via a digital platform with speech functions.

Digital Self-Administrated Language Training in Subacute Post-Stroke Aphasia: Factors Influencing the Feasibility

Sofia Eklundh - Degree project in Speech and Language Pathology, Karolinska Institute

The study aimed to gather knowledge about the feasibility of digital self-training for people with aphasia at an early stage (subacute). Among other things, the study investigated the possibility of increasing the intensity of language rehabilitation for a person with aphasia through digital training programs. In addition, it also looked at how environmental, body and personal factors affect the feasibility of supplementary independent language training via digital training program. 

"Despite this study's limited number of participants, the results show that digital independent language training in a subacute stage after stroke, as a complement to regular speech therapy, can be a way to reach the dose for intensive language rehabilitation recommended by Socialstyrelsen."

Dialog was used during the study by three patients from the Rehabilitation Medicine University Clinic at Danderyd Hospital. The patients were tasked with independent language training three times a week for a two- to three-week period, which was then evaluated through a questionnaire-based participant interview. 

The results showed that all participants found it meaningful to practice language with speech recognition in Dialog. All participants also felt that the speech synthesis was helpful for their understanding of the exercises. In addition, the study pointed out that initial support from a speech therapist, individualization of tasks, and the quality of the speech recognition as important factors for successful independent training.

Despite the study's limited number of participants, the results show that digital independent language training in a subacute stage after stroke, as a complement to regular speech therapy, can be a way to reach the dose for intensive language rehabilitation recommended by Socialstyrelsen**. In the long term, this could mean cost-effective language training that complies with the national guidelines for post-stroke care.

** Socialstyrelsen: The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare produces and develops statistics, rules and knowledge for health and social services. They work to ensure good health, social welfare and high-quality health and social care on equal terms for the whole Swedish population.

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Olemme saaneet rahoituksen kahdelle tuotekehitys-projektille

Kuntoutus-chatbot, PTS:n apuraha

Dialog ja Tukholman Afasiayhdistys tekevät yhteistyötä hankkeessa, jonka tavoitteena on kehittää tuote afaattisten henkilöiden keskustelukuntoutukseen. Projekti kestää elokuusta 2023 heinäkuuhun 2024, ja sitä rahoittaa PTS Innovation -kilpailu. Tuotteen tarkoituksena on auttaa afaattisia henkilöitä sekä muita kieli- tai puhehäiriöistä kärsiviä ihmisiä harjoittelemaan arkielämässä mahdollisesti syntyviä vuorovaikutusta vaativia tilanteita. Tuotetta suunnitellaan ja testataan yhdessä Afasiayhdistyksen jäsenistä koostuvan fokusryhmän kanssa.

Puheen kuntoutus monikielisille kuntoutujille, Vinnova:n apuraha

Vinnova Innovative Impact Startups -apurahalla toteutamme projektin yhteistyössä Multilingual Mindsin kanssa. Projekti kestää marraskuusta 2023 maaliskuuhun 2024. Dialog on tällä hetkellä saatavilla ruotsiksi, suomeksi ja englanniksi ja projektin tavoitteena on laajentaa tuotetta uudella kielellä; arabiankielellä (alustavien tutkimusten mukaan tietty arabian murre). Projektin lisätavoitteena on tutkia muita monikielisiä kuntoutujaryhmiä, jotka voivat hyötyä digitaalisesta kuntoutusalustasta. Projektin tavoitteena on julkistaa Dialogista versio, jota ruotsinkieliset puheterapeutit voivat käyttää muun äidinkielen kuin ruotsin omaavien kuntoutujien kuntoutukseen.

Lisätietoja hankkeen tavoitteista löytyy Vinnovan verkkosivuilta.